MEAT: Can it really be healthy?

MEAT: Can it really be healthy?

Let me start by saying that, as a health coach, I know that meat is not meant for everyone. However, I also know that some of us function better with meat in our diet. This article is for those of us that know for sure we need to have meat in our diet and for those that thought they needed meat, but because of what they have been told, have reluctantly given up the animal protein for the more acceptable plant proteins. I happen to be one of those individuals that functions better with animal protein in my diet and as a result I have learned how to make meat a healthy part of my diet.

My personal belief is that we do not need meat at every meal or 3 times a day. In fact, I do not think we need it everyday. Animal protein is much harder on our digestive system, so I’ve learned to spread it out to once a day or every other day.

The kind of meat we eat is very important. We want meat that is going to nourish and fuel our systems. It is my belief that animals humanely raised in their natural environment produce more nutritious meat than those confined in small areas being fed a unnatural diet. A lean meat purchased through a local farmer would be best. By lean, I mean containing little or no fat such as venison, bison, turkey, chicken, lean beef, pork, or salmon. If there are no farmers in your area, you can search for organic or grass fed animals online.

The way we cook our meat can have a huge affect on our health. Even though a meat may be lean it still has its own fat to cook in. If a liquid is needed, I like to use beef, chicken, or vegetable broth. More importantly than how we cook our food is how much we cook. We need to get back to natural serving sizes. Two to four ounces of meat at a meal is all that is required to meet our nutritional needs. The 2-4 ounce serving is approximately the same size as a deck of playing cards or the palm of our hand.

If we can perfect these four areas; how often, the quality, how we cook, and our serving size, I know we can make eating meat a healthy practice.

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