Tips & Tricks to staying healthy through the holidays

Tips & Tricks to staying healthy through the holidays

Exercise 3-5 times a week at a level that is tolerable and enjoyable for you (preferably 30-45min. per session): You will be amazed at your increased energy levels and how good you will feel.

Take 3 deep breaths (in through the nose & out through the mouth) 5 times per day: This will help you slow down, be present, and focus. Sometimes we just forget to breathe.

Stop eating once full: This will help eliminate excessive bloating and that miserable feeling we all have had after overeating. Your digestive track will thank you too!

Limit Sweets: Our bodies were not designed to assimilate the highly processed and refined sugary sweets that are so plentiful during this time of year. Stick to natural sweets & sweeteners such as fruit and honey or agave nectar.

Do not overextend yourself: During this busy season we tend to do too much  and many times find ourselves in unhealthy patterns.

Supplement your diet with a high quality multivitamin and vitamin D: Many of us are deficient in essential vitamins, minerals, and Vitamin D because our food supply is lacking in these important nutrients.

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